Algorithmic trading using 100 lines of python code, using OANDA v20 API

After reading Dr. Yves Hilpisch’s article, “Algorithmic trading using 100 lines of python code,” I was inspired to give it a shot. I wanted to apply his guide on how to use a time series momentum algorithm because I have been interested in forex trading with cryptocurrencies. I set up a free forex trial account on OANDA, jumped into a jupyter notebook, and got to work. I hit an issue. OANDA changed their API from “v1” to “v20” and all new accounts default to the new API. I ended up rewriting his sample code to work with the new OANDA v20 API using a third party python library.

If you are still wanting to use the original v1 API sample code, you could reach out to OANDA chat support and manually request a v1 legacy demo account. It takes 2 business days. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Plus, you can’t hedge in the v1 API.

OANDA v20 - Do you even hedge, bro?
OANDA v20 – Do you even hedge, bro?

Here is my github repo with both the v1 and v20 sample code in jupyter notebooks, for comparison:

Here is the gist of my end result using the OANDA v20 API

Thanks again, Dr. Hilpisch!

8 thoughts on “Algorithmic trading using 100 lines of python code, using OANDA v20 API”

  1. Hello Ben,

    Thanks for posting the momentum code. I have been working on the backtest but when I run your code I get an error in the params. The error is as follows:

    ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
    in ()
    6 # The v20 api handles from times a little differently – be careful of the timezone
    —-> 7 params={“from”: parser.parse(“2016-12-07 18:00:00 EDT”).strftime(‘%s’),
    8 “to”: parser.parse(“2016-12-10 00:000:00 EDT”).strftime(‘%s’),
    9 “granularity”:’M1′,

    ValueError: Invalid format string

    Any idea how to fix this?

    Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.

  2. Hi Benjamin Chodroff,

    I really appreciate this article as I was too inspired by Dr. Yves Hilpisch’s article but I found it difficult to adapt the code onto the V20 API. However I am a little stuck as when I go to run the code I get the error: “AttributeError: ‘MomentumTrader’ object has no attribute ‘rates'” for the last line. How did you manage to get past that?


    1. Hi Veer – Check the code above? You can see that the rates function is defined in the MomentumTrader class above as “def rates(self, account_id, instruments, **params):”. Perhaps you have a whitespace issue? Python is very sensitive to tabs vs spaces… and it can lose a function this way. That’s my best guess 🙂

  3. Hi Benjamin,

    Thanks very much for your article and code. I have little to no experience with coding so I’m having some trouble with getting it running. I get the following error:

    KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
    —> 11 client = API(access_token=config[‘oanda’][‘access_token’])

    ~\anaconda3\envs\oandaV20\lib\ in __getitem__(self, key)
    956 def __getitem__(self, key):
    957 if key != self.default_section and not self.has_section(key):
    –> 958 raise KeyError(key)
    959 return self._proxies[key]

    KeyError: ‘oanda

    any help is much appreciated.

  4. Hi Benjamin,

    I managed to get it running without creating the oanda.cfg file… I have a second question: If I want to implement the 120 minute strategy, ought I not to change the mt parameters to:

    mt = MomentumTrader(momentum=1440,accountID=config[‘oanda’][‘account_id’],params={“instruments”: “EUR_USD”}? Since 2 hours = 7200 seconds/5 second intervals = 1440.

    Also I get another error when I try to backtest the results with a granularity other than 1-minute intervals, any thoughts?


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